Friday, August 20, 2010

Squeaky clean brushes!


Happy Friday everyone!

When applying my make-up I always use brushes and as a results have a mountain to clean at the end of the day. Now that I am doing my course, I have another full set of brushes to clean at night too so I have gained a bit of knowledge on what products work the best and thought I would share with you some tips I have learned.

Firstly there are two different ways to clean your brushes. There is 'spot cleaning' and 'deep cleaning' your brushes.

  • Spot cleaning is used when you need to clean and sanitize your brushes quickly to reuse them with a different product or shade of a product. This can be done as often as desired!

  • Deep cleaning is used to wash your brushes at the end of the day to completely remove all traces of make-up from them and also to sanitize them. This too can be done as often as desired however it is recommend to be done at a minimum of once a week.

(I will do a blog soon explaining these different processes in more detail!)

When cleaning my brushes I like to use something that totally destroys bacteria as I am terrified of spreading spots and other skin problems around the face and other peoples faces for that matter!

I currently am using a combination of these three products; MAC brush cleanser, Johnsons baby shampoo and surgical spirits.

When spot cleaning I like to use the MAC brush cleanser on my own personal brushes as it is alcohol based that dries very quickly, which means the brushes can be used again fast! It retails at about €20 a pop which can be a little expensive so I try to go easy on it. 

Surgical spirits is also fabulous for spot cleaning on the go as it is super sterile and because of the high alcohol content dries instantly which is ideal when working on a client. It can be bought quite cheaply for approx €4.75 and when decanted into a small spray bottle it works brilliantly at dispensing a fine mist.

Finally an old cheap reliable that I use is Johnsons Baby shampoo. It is suitable for baby's hair which is perfect for make-up brushes hair as they can be easily damaged if used with harsh products. This is available in all supermarkets and chemists in the baby aisle for less then €3 depending on the size of the bottle you wish to buy.

Hope this was helpful! :)

-Buttons x

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